Shanti Devi Arya 
Mahila College, Dinanagar
(Accredited at B++ by NAAC)

Courses Offered include: MSc(CS),MSc(IT),MSc(Maths),BSc,BCA,BA,PGDCA,UGC Add-on Courses, Vocational Courses




Sports Achievements:-

  This year college had enviable mark in the field of sports. Our students have bagged top positions. Our young players are state level as well as National Champions in netball and Basketball. One of our players had participated in Sri Lanka representing Indian team. She was the captain of state team also.

Ø     Our basketball team participated in a competition organized in GNDU Amritsar.

Ø     Cycling team has won 4th position in a competition in PAU Ludhiana and Kumari Deepika won Bronze medal at Interversity level in Patiala.

Ø     Our kho-kho team participated in GNDU and Ruchika selected on intervarsity level Hyderabad. She was also selected for all India intervarsity and got 2nd position.

Ø     Our college team of water games bagged 3rd position in Pongdam Talwar and one of them Kumari Rashmi selected for intervarsity and went to Chandigarh.

Ø     Our Net ball team got 2nd position in a competition organized by GNDU Amritsar.

Ø     Miss Pooja, Amandeep Kaur selected for intervarsity and also got 2nd position. 

Ø     Archery team got 3rd position in GNDU, Amritsar.

Ø     Kho-kho team participated in open tournament in Ludhiana.

Ø     Kho –kho team stood 4th in open tournament in Chennai.

Ø     Gymnastic team also participated in competition organized by GNDU Amritsar.

Ø     Miss Chetna has been selected in National Basketball team representing Punjab.

 Ø   Our students participated in Korf ball competition at GNDU.



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