- MCS-101 Advanced Data Structures
- MCS-102 Advanced Computer Architecture
- MCS-103 Network Design & Performance Analysis
- MCS-104 Discrete Structures
- MCS-105 Microprocessor and its Applications
- MCS-106 Soft Computing
- MCS-107P Programming Laboratory-I (Based on Advanced Data
- MCS-108P Programming Laboratory-II (Based on
Microprocessor & its Applications)
- MCS-201 Theory of Computation
- MCS-202 Image Processing
- MCS-203 Design & Analysis of Algorithms
- MCS-204 Formal Specification & Verification
- MCS-205 Advanced Software Engineering
- MCS-206 Distributed Database Systems
- MCS-207P Programming Laboratory III (Design & Analysis
of Algorithms & Distributed Database Systems)
- MCS-208P Project Work