Shanti Devi Arya 
Mahila College, Dinanagar
(Accredited at B++ by NAAC)

Courses Offered include: MSc(CS),MSc(IT),MSc(Maths),BSc,BCA,BA,PGDCA,UGC Add-on Courses, Vocational Courses





Computer Science Department

Computer Science department organized an extension lecture on "Theory of Computation" by Mrs. Harjot Kaur Sohal, GNDU Regional Campus Gurdaspur. I.T Buzz organized by Computer. Deptt in which Poster making, I.T Collage and I.T Quiz was conducted.

Red Cross Society:-    Red Cross volunteers collected Rs 5000/- to help people by selling 1000 flags of Communal Harmony. Woolen clothes were distributed among poor people at lepor colony of Dinanagar and Pingalwara Amritsar.


N.S.S Deptt:-

  N.S.S. deptt. Organized GNDU sponsored Extension and field outreach activities on Social Evils (female foeticides, AIDS, Drug de-addiction, Dowry system, Women Empowerment and Environment pollution) under the proposed plan ‘Chetna Rally’ and competitions like ‘Poster Making’ and Extempore were also organized. In addition tree plantation, cleanliness, Health, Hygiene and sanitation, Adult education programmes were organized. They celebrated Flag day & Volunteers collected money & sent to NFCH New Delhi.

NCC Deptt:-

  In NCC our volunteers were adjudged Best at Dehradun (First Women Battalion).

Odisi Dance

Odissi is one of the eight classical dance forms of India. It originates from the state of Orissa, in eastern India. It is the oldest surviving dance form of India on the basis of archaeological evidences.







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